‎Feb 15, 2025
09:30 AM
Have you simply signed out if the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App, then signed back in (watching for any notifications)
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‎Feb 15, 2025
09:25 AM
Have you checked for an errant lock file?
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‎Feb 13, 2025
09:54 AM
Due to another member having an issue. (Not the same issue) I should inquire. Perhaps open up your computer, and inspect the 8-pin power connector to that GPU. Even though this GPU is not one of those newer very high power units that need special power connectors, nor have a tendency to melt (the power cable) check it for damage. Yes this is odd, rare, and unlikely But something to inspect and eliminate.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
12:10 PM
Adobe, please, for the love of god. Fix your freaking software, I am not the only one with these kind of BS problems. Typical example of resting on your laurels. When enough alternatives pop up you will be kindly forgotten. While your fellow members, including myself, can feel your pain, and feel your anger, Adobe, at least in this community, may not. Be aware that this is a community for Adobe customers to share info, issues, ideas, etc. Oh, I understand that Adobe points customers with issues to this community, but that is Adobe being lazy. Perhaps an Adobe Tech may reply, probably to inquire bout any LrC Crash reports. Perhaps to ask for some steps for diagnostics to occur. But likely not. At anyrate, perhaps a member can help. To that end can you accomplish the following: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. SYS INFO Please post your System Information as Lightroom Classic (LrC) reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that information into a reply. Please present all information from first line down to and including Plug-in Info. Info after Plug-in info can be cut out as that is just so much dead space to us non-Techs and it takes up vast amounts of scroll space making the reply less readable and less likely that others will bother with your post. 2. LrC /Preferences/Performance Please post in a reply a screenshot of your LrC /Preferences/Performance (with the GPU turned back on for now). Interested in anything LrC states about the GPU, ( for a 3080, I would expect no issues) and what you have for Camera RAW CACHE limit 3. Where is performance sucking Is the performance bad in all modules, or is this mostly in the develop module. 4. Updated all the drivers Does that include the Motherboard drivers such as the Chipset, oddly the BlueTooth and WiFi (even if not used). And is that via the Motherboards support page (not MS Windows updates) 5. SYNC Is any sync to the cloud running? 6. Any Network share, network server, or Cloud (for catalog) This should show up in item 1, but you are not perhaps keeping your catalog on the Cloud or other share? And you are not auto syncing to the Cloud (as in OneDrive) Correct? 7. Z890 Tomahawk Is this a MSI Motherboard, Searching on the Internet indicates as much. As such, it may have come with MSI Afterburner. Is that the case, is that running? MIS AI Boost (for the NPU??) so the NPU gets overclocked/bosted. That may be fine for games, this appears to be a game centri MB afterall, but does that foul LrC up. LrC in the past has been a pain as overclocking is involved. Perhaps turn that off. ___________________________________________________________________________ Some postings to look at: Some Links:
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‎Feb 12, 2025
11:00 AM
Where is tour catalog stored? Where is your backup stored? In LrC is any sync to the cloud running? Is this a new problem (id it behave before?)
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‎Feb 12, 2025
10:56 AM
Are these files on servers just your images? Or does that include your catalog?
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‎Feb 12, 2025
10:42 AM
1 Upvote
Started researching this by searching on Google, for this VPN and LrC. And I noticed on the support page that they are having issues. Perhaps this is a temporary issue.. Or perhaps not your problem in your region:
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:56 PM
Please post your System Information as Lightroom Classic (LrC) reports it. In LrC click on Help, then System Info, then Copy. Paste that information into a reply. Please present all information from first line down to and including Plug-in Info. Info after Plug-in info can be cut out as that is just so much dead space to us non-Techs and it takes up vast amounts of scroll space making the reply less readable and less likely that others will bother with your post. Also large amounts of text in a post also render the Translate function inoperable.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
04:26 PM
Three items that perhaps you can share. A screenshot if your import screen, interested in any presets being applied A screenshot of your history panel, interested in any presets applied A screenshot of your LrC /Preferences/Presets/ interested in the default camera RAW develop settings.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
10:47 AM
And if you turn the reminder of those options on, perhaps all the way down to export, does it look different (or heck, go with Auto??) Also, what sort of monitor calibration are you using? P.S. nothing to do with your posted problem, but why do you have that default value of 5 GB for the Camera RAW CACHE limit? Too small, even Adobe states to try at least 20 GB, this will effect develop module performance.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
05:12 PM
Have you perhaps in Windows OS turned on Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling (HAGS) see near end of :
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‎Feb 10, 2025
02:19 PM
Albums?? That is a term used in Lr, not in LrC Do you mean Folders?
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‎Feb 10, 2025
10:52 AM
In addition to the system info via LrC, please post in a reply a screenshot of your LrC /Preferences/Performance/ Mostly intetested in any issues noted for the GPU, and what is stated for level of support. That 3060 should be fine, but....
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‎Feb 10, 2025
10:44 AM
What exact Lr or LrC version?
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‎Feb 09, 2025
09:33 AM
deleted, my bad, I had a lousy answer.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
11:15 AM
Is this laptop running just on the battery?
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‎Feb 06, 2025
08:32 AM
is any sync to the cloud occurring when that laptop goes to sleep? A search on t.he Internet (Google) will show you: "To prevent your laptop from going to sleep while using Lightroom Classic, you can access the Lightroom Classic preferences and find the "Sync with Lightroom" settings, where you can usually toggle an option to "Prevent System Sleep During Sync" - this will keep your computer awake while syncing images with other Lightroom applications. "
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‎Feb 04, 2025
06:35 PM
1 Upvote
It clearly states that you are looking at an embedded preview in the Library Module selection.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
06:30 PM
As for the event viewer, despite nothing showing up at crash time, how about any critical events since computer was started?
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‎Feb 04, 2025
06:28 PM
So, have you opened up that computer and inspected every power connection, and checked the GPU (as in properly in slot and properly wired ) and cleared out any dust, and generally looked for any component breakage/leakage.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
11:34 AM
Built-in memory: 8076,0 MB
Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 388,6MB / 1994,7MB (19%) Graphics Processor Info:
DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce MX150 (
Init State: GPU for Display supported by default
User Preference: Auto
Enable HDR in Library: OFF So, just 8 GB of RAM, and more importantly just 2 GB of VRAM on that GPU, and a GPU driver, Windows Store, NVIDIA version 388.73, that was released in 2017. First note that a current GPU driver for that GPU would be as shown at the NVIDIA website to be v572.16 released 30 JAN 2025. You may want to update that. Mind you it is only a Game Ready driver, that their is no Studio Driver, so if some members recommend to use the Studio Driver, never mind that, as their is none. Second, 2 GB of VRAM will not cut it for any advanced features such as AI Masking in LrC, For that ADOBE recommends at least 8GB. Unfortunately as this appears to be a notebook, their is no path for replacing the GPU, at least an internal one (I have no knowledge if an External one would help) This GPU is woefully incapable for AI in LrC. And it may be even poor at non AI masking.. Note that it is listed as "GPU for Display supported by default" that indicates poor capability. Your RAM also appears to be too low, Oh Adobe states it will work, but in reality not very well. Incidentally, ADOBE recommends at least 16 GB, and many find that enough, but if you replace that Notebook, go for more than 16GB.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
11:22 AM
downclocked the memory to 4800 MHz Does this mean that you were overclocking the computer? LrC can have issues with overclocking, typically with overclocking the GPU, not so much the RAM or CPU, and typically if using a third party application to do that as opposed to the controls provided by the GPU manufacturer, or settings in BIOS. MSI Afterburner comes to mind. These are often items initiated by "Gamers" By the way, LrC is a huge resource hog, it can be worse than some games. Recently a Windows user found that reverting Hardware-Accelerated-GPU-Scheduling (HAGS) back to Off (the member was having memory leaks), I suspect this is a rare odd event (I had never known of that one before)
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‎Feb 02, 2025
04:13 PM
So, yes, that GPU is probably not going to support AI in LrC, as that notice states : "Votre système prend automatiquement en charge l'accélération limitée." "Your system automatically supports limited acceleration." Is this a desktop computer, that GPU would indicate it was, as a Laptop would have a different GPU built for laptops. You may want to consider replacing that GPU. Their are several GPU specifications to look at when selecting a replacement. One that may cause future issues is the amount of VRAM. Some Adobe documents might lead you to think 4GB is enough, it is not, think at least 8 GB. And as you cannot add VRAM later, consider even more than 8GB. Adobe also mentions GPU Compute Benchmark score of 2000 or better. You may want to search the Internet on recommendations. A second issue is your limit on Adobe Camera RAW CACHE. Currently set at the default of 5 GB. Even Adobe states that is too small and to increase that to at least 20 GB
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:14 PM
1 Upvote
Graphics Processor Info:
DirectX: Radeon RX 560X Series (27.20.1028.1) Not an AMD users, and the AMD site gives me issues. But, I thing that your GPU driver is old, going back to 2020, and a newer one exists. Have you checked this at AMD? LrC is very very particular about GPU drivers.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:06 PM
Built-in memory: 14274,6 MB That seems like an odd value for RAM. Perhaps a syntax issue between RAM values as displayed across the Atlantic vs what we see in the U.S.A. As in, I might misunderstand. How much RAM does your computer actually have? And how many RAM sticks are installed?
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:01 PM
The Preferences file can get corrupted leading to buggy behavior. When this happens, replacing the preference file may be called for. Often called resetting the preferences file. Basically this is done by removing the existing preferences file then restarting LrC where upon a new preferences file will be created. This can be done withing LrC or manual outside of LrC. Note that a corrupt Preferences file will survive updates, upgrades, and even simply install/reinstalls of LrC (or at least it used to). Note also that resetting this Preferences file will result in many settings in preferences being changed to defaults. You might want to copy the old Preferences file to a different location should you decide that the reset accomplished nothing other than fouling up your settings. see:
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‎Feb 02, 2025
11:41 AM
Installed Plugins:
3) Logi Plugin This should not be the problem, BUT That Logi Plugin, (a.k.a Logi Options) I assume for a Logitech mouse and/or keyboard with extra buttons/dials to use to assign LrC actions to, is a known piece of trash. Typically it causes an error when removing photos in batch. (you would get An internal error has occurred: ?:0: attempt to index field 'root file' (a nil value) and LR will not delete the files.) If you do not need it to use your Mouse or keyboard as a substitute for a LoupeDeck (or other) then consider trashing it and see if things improve. Mind yo, it would have been causing the same issue during earlier versions of LrC. Note that this is not the driver for the Mouse or Keyboard. this goes way back, for example: ____________________________________________________ Library Path: D:\lighroom working\lightoorm sync project\temp\temp.lrcat How much free space in percent on that D drive, that hard drive? Looking for at least 25% free (some say 20%)
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‎Feb 02, 2025
11:30 AM
just transferred to a new computer. Old computer OS was???? And apparently new computer OS is MACOS?? This inquiry is mostly relevant if the old computer was WINOS and new MACOS P.S. a screenshot of what you are seeing may be helpful. Also, see:
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