1. Adobe After Effects 23.4
2. Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
RTX 3090
3. When trying to use the 3D camera, I will go to track a clip, it begins to initialize and then fails, and produces an error message saying "unable to obtain dynamiclink server connection."
This is an entirely new project and composition, with one clip and no dynamic link attached. I believe Adobe uses the dynamiclinkmanager to enable 3D camera tracking, so that may be the source of the issue, but I have found no solution for weeks.
What I have tried so far :
1. Resetting preferences and clearing cache.
2. Uninstalling and reinstalling after effects.
3. Downgrading my after effects version.
4. Uninstalling Creative Cloud, running the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool, and reinstalling.
I have followed to my knowledge every reccomended troubleshooting step on the forums, short of reinstalling windows entirely. Is this the last thing to try? Thank you in advance.