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Essential Graphics - Nested comps don't correctly sync the text faux format in the EG-panel

Participant ,
Nov 29, 2023 Nov 29, 2023

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while improving some projects, I noticed that sometimes text from an instantiated comp was stuck in all caps, even though it was delected in the Essential Graphics Panel.


I use a comp like that (sample is included):

  1. Child comp that will be intantiated
  2. Parent comp that uses the child comp in varying styles


I noticed when child comp has e.g. all caps enabled that they are stuck in all caps in the parent comp even if the all caps is deselected in the Essential Graphics Panel.

Essential Graphic linked styles are forced all caps.png

"Luckily" the state is correctly reflected in the new property panel. Clicking all caps in the Essential Graphics Panel does nothing in this case. I tested this with other faux formats and this issue occurs as well.

But when e.g. faux italic is selected in the Essential Graphics Panel, then the text correctly updates without all caps.


What is the expected result? The Essential Graphics Panel should show which faux formats are actually selected if they were on by default (so they can be deslected as well).


This happens in AE 23.3 and AE Beta 24.2.0 on Windows.


This feels like a bug or is this the desired behavior?

Bug Needs More Info
Expressions , Troubleshooting , UI and UX






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023

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Hi @Agrarvolution


The Essential Properties become independent from the Primary Properties (the ones in the EGP) when you edit them or make a change to the stylings. This is the part of the feature that allows for templating and making multiple iterationns of a design. 

They should not match if you've changed the EP. The way to get them back in sync with one another is to Push or Pull the values between them using the little white buttons on the right of the text control. 

But are you saying that when you first nest the Primary Comp to create the Essential Props that the Faux styles just default to all caps without you making that change yourself? 


That definitely would be a bug! I'm not able to repro that when I create a new comp from your EG Template comp though. 


Can you please clarify? 


Thanks so much, 

- Dacia Saenz, AE Engineering Team





Participant ,
Nov 30, 2023 Nov 30, 2023

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Hey @DaciaSaenz,


thanks for getting back to me. Yes I'm glad it doesn't sync backwards, otherwise I wouldn't use this feature.


This only occurs when the comp you want to nest has a faux format enabled. I stupidly unset that before posting it here.

In the state it is right now, the bug obv. can't happen. I can't seem to attach the changed project.


So here are the steps to reproduce:

  1. Create comp A with at least one text linked as an EG-property.
  2. Enable faux text controls for it.
  3.  Enable one faux format (I noticed it with allCaps).
  4. Create a new comp B with comp A.
  5. Create a text layer in comp B and add it as an EG-property.
  6. Enable faux text controls for it.
  7. Link the textlayer in comp B with the EG-property of the nested comp A with
let newSource = thisComp.layer("Source").text.sourceText;
  1. Unset the faux format globally for comp A.

2. The text is still be allCaps in comp B, but the EG panel displays no set faux format. (Like in the image I posted.)
In the EG panel you now can't anset that faux format, but switching to any other faux format works, but it can't be unset from that panel.


What I forgot to mention, if you nest the text, I noticed it was e.g. set to allCaps, then gobally undid it, it keeps being set for the comp but like I mentioned, the EG-panel doesn't show it (because I think that value is already overriden? - same thing happens for font, font size, weight). But with that expression all the style the other text has should be copied to the child comp, which works, when faux formats aren't stuck enabled.


I think the double nesting is, what trips the essential graphics panel / system here. I don't think there is a bug in the expression. 🤔




