i, Im having trouble exporting and rendering with transparency, I did it as I always do, with QuickTime in Animation RGB+Alpha, but it's not working, i've tried AppleRes4444 i've tried GoPro12 +Alpha, nothing works!
When I try to open it with VLC it either doesnt show or the colors are completely glitched and off, when i send it to iphone it doesnt open the file.
Can someone help with this?
This is how it looks when i see it in VLC, but It doesnt open in Iphone Quicktime
Try using the Render Quque/Output Module/High Quality with Alpha preset.
The Animation Codec is deprecated and no longer supported on many platforms. Unless you have a lot of experience with video formats and compression rates, it is always a better idea to use the Presets in the Media Encoder and the Render Queue than fiddle with settings if you don't know exactly what you are doing.