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P: Modifying font and font size in the interface

Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I would like to be able to change the font and font size across the board in the interface. it is WAY to small for my old eyes

Idea No status
Editing and playback




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Community Expert , Jan 29, 2025 Jan 29, 2025

Don't forget, there's always your ability to purchase a lower resolution monitor. Say you want a 32" monitor, instead of buying that new 4K monitor you've been looking at, go with a beautiful QHD - 2560 x 1440 instead. The pixel sizes will be bigger than in the 4k monitor. You'll save some $$$ and have a monitor you can run at 100%.


Adobe Employee , Nov 04, 2024 Nov 04, 2024

Hi everyone, thanks for the passionate feedback. Francis from Adobe here. I’m a Principal Product Manager on Premiere Pro.


The real talk is that yes, we did underestimate how many of you were utilizing the Console to adjust font size!


UI font size adjustment has been a request that’s been made for years and got shifted or re-prioritized from time to time. As your monitors have gotten larger, your requests have understandably got louder.


You’ve probably seen that Adobe moved to a new unifie



replies 248 Replies 248
Oct 19, 2024 Oct 19, 2024

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Lose the assumptions. They have a wide range of rigs to do both development and testing on. Intentionally. Across many countries, also. I keep learning of large Adobe offices in places I didn't know about.


But again, they do test on a remarkably wide range of gear because of the range of gear the app is used on. Including monitors. So in person, they can talk of how certain monitor sizes and scalings affect visibility of screen elements.


So your assumptions about either their experiences and/or motivations are invalid, in my experience and my personal awareness of some of the people.


And they are totally irrelevant to the main discussion anyway, so why go there? That I just don't understand. Setting motivations or whatever to people you don't know always seemed pointless to me.


They disagree with you and me. Ok? And based on their user data, they apparently don't see the troubles thee & me have as something we can't easily enough overcome with "local" means.


That we disagree with them is also clear. And ... that we need to convince them to appreciate our view more than they currently do.


Stick to that. It will in the end be more effective.




Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2024 Oct 19, 2024

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uh... all we want is to be able to read the words on the monitor.  Its not that complicated nor worth more than one or two paragraphs.  




Community Expert ,
Oct 19, 2024 Oct 19, 2024

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@Michael Grenadier,


You posted the option for accessibility/magnifier for mac. In Windows, Settings -> "ease of use" -> Magnifier - does similar things. I'll discuss it in more detail below.


I have great sympathy for all the users who were using the — to work around this problem. But it's gone, and we need to find a way to move on, including upvoting this Idea to provide direct control of these variables.


I rarely use anything other than a largish UHD monitor that works just fine for me, but Helene forced me onto my surface pro and a MUCH smaller workspace. So a few comments from that perspective.


The Surface Pro (omg I don't recall which model) is a 12.25 inch monitor which I am running at the (recommended) 2736 x 1824. When I tried to reduce the resolution (I don't recall by what, it may have been simple HD resolution), it was below the PR requirement.

I am going on a major trip soon and will be working on it using Lightroom and PR. So I am motivated to look at this issue.


For the record, I am old, have always been very near-sighted, and age-related chances have not helped much. But I have progressive lenses that provide very good correction. And I can work on the Surface in PR 2025. But it often requires careful attention and, if I were working in a production environment, would be fatiguing and difficult.


I have the setting for scaling ("Change the size of text, apps, and other items") at 200% (Recommended), and no advanced/custom scaling (which has caused issues in the past). Today, I changed Setting -> Ease of Access/Display -> "Make text bigger" to 125% (percent appears as you adjust). 150% creates too much text running into images etc.


NONE of these changes affect all the text in PR. For example, font size in the Transcript tab is controlled by the Font size slider. Font size in the Project Panel is controlled by the 3 line/hamburger menu font size option. Panel tab headers are not affected. Menu commands at the top do respond.


Also today, in PR, I used Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance, and set Color Theme to Darkest and Accessible color contrast to "on."

I looked again today at the Windows magnifier option. Like any aid, it has a learning curve. It is an easy on/off (Start + [Plus] and Start + [Minus]). There are numerous modes and settings. Today, I used only these few:


Speed 150
Zoom increments 25%
Zoom 150%

Lens mode with 60 wide 70 high


This works pretty well, in part since keyboard shortcuts work as if the magnifier is not there.


Occasionally, Start + Minus does not exit magnifier mode, but there is a small window that can be x'd out.







Community Expert ,
Oct 19, 2024 Oct 19, 2024

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Stan, I figured there must be a similar option in Windows.   


This is what makes this place so valuable... 


The absolute dismissal of the possibility that there might be a way to make this work in windows, was daunting... 


if you spend any amount of time here, you quickly learn who you can trust...   and was wondering who Helene was for a few minutes.  


That said, yes this is a workaround that's not ideal, but my macstudio with an apple thunderbolt monitor and the easy access to the zoom feature makes it workable.   I started wearing glasse for extreme nearsightedness in the first grade...  had black and blue marks on my nose because my glasses were so heavy in the days before plastic lenses, dwas almost legally blind before I had my cataracts fixed maybe 5 years ago...   so I sympathize with everyone having difficulty reading the screen.   But this forum is about asking questions, and helping others...  and between my solution for Mac and Stan's for Windows,  hopefully we've helped a few people.    


People, think about how scaling the fonts etc in the interface is gonna impact so many things...  as it is, we see people complaining here because in certain screen resolutions, the save, continue, whatever options. are not on the screen.   So in some ways, the zoom feature is the ideal solution.    And so many people are using so many different combinations of hardware that it's gotta be a conundrum for Adobe to know how to proceed.  


Trying to remember how I discovered the zoom feature...  Feels like it's been years...   but digging into the OS and all the settings can be really valuable, not to mention all the possibilities in Premiere...    




Engaged ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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I work with Windows 11 and it does have a built-in magnifying glass feature which I occasionally find helpful in some situations, but it's not at all practical when working with Premiere Pro. Windows 11 also allows you to change font scaling in the OS, which is a wonderful accomodation, but that has no effect on Premiere or any other Adobe product.




Community Expert ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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The only thing that get enlarged is the contextual and dropdown menus. The rest of the UI remains unchanged.




Adobe Employee ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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Thank you all for your posts and feedback. I understand the frustration with the current UI limitations, and I want to assure you that the team is aware of these issues and is actively working on creating a more customizable UI for future versions. Please check the Beta version for the latest updates.

The font size in the Project panel can still be changed from its panel menu. While this may not fully meet your needs, it’s what the developers have been able to provide for now. Sorry about that. I’m not on the development team, but I believe that with the new Spectrum UI in place, there will be more opportunities to address these accessibility concerns in upcoming versions.

The previous UI environment had many limitations, and allowing the editor to scale up all UI items (via manipulating our internal engineering tools) could help, but would also make things look unruly. Unfortunately, and to my knowledge, the new UI makes reverting to the previous "hack" impossible. However, I am confident that the new UI will offer many more opportunities to improve accessibility.

As someone who helped the team transition from the yellow to the blue UI and raised user concerns at that time, I am here to advocate for you.

Please feel free to PM me anytime with your accessibility concerns. I ask for your patience as these implementations take place. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and I appreciate your understanding.


I hope the information helps.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




Adobe Employee ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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Hello @XilburQost,

You're not new here, but maybe you weren't aware that the Adobe Premiere Pro developer team does not respond to every bug, feature request, or how-to question that enters these forums. The volume makes it impossible, and they still have to develop and test features. Sorry about that. They do give it their all, but I understand the frustration.


The most important thing you can do in reporting a bug is see if you can upvote an existing bug or idea and then add a comment (if it's helpful). If it's a new bug or idea, great. Thanks for filing. I hope we can help you with it ASAP. The team reads and tabulates all posts in Bugs and Ideas but doesn't always respond. Sometimes, they do, and try very hard to. I apologize if a 100% response rate is what you were expecting.


If you need service right away, contact us. Do that here. The chat pod is at the lower right. Once you get a live agent, ask for the video queue.

Most frequently, a community member will respond to your question, usually someone just like you. They receive no special rewards or privileges; they just like helping people. Adobe Experts do receive nominal consideration and perks for helping us here, but they have been vetted for giving quality advice (check out the community badge to see if they are experts). Next up, you may see mods from support like myself. We try our best to provide troubleshooting steps and feedback to the team.


I hope this information will be useful to you.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




Community Beginner ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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As much as the new Content Extend AI might be cool, changing the UI font size and label colors is a basic function that went back to Avid 30 years ago.




Participant ,
Oct 21, 2024 Oct 21, 2024

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Rome wasn't built in a day, and legacy code for font handling and scaling isn't as sexy as building the latest AI demo, but I think this "ask" been going on for years and years.

It looks bad when the only progress is backward - the removal of the workaround hack that many of us have painfully found and been using in our production setups.

(I'm not being specific on the hope that the editor gods don't once again delete all reference to this).

Please PUT THIS BACK until you are able on your dev timeline, to replace it with something better.   That would be a reasonable compromise of listening to your customers as this is obviously a very big pain point.

P.S. I see a follow-up response from Adobe that a new "Spectrum UI" is being used and that prevents an easy roll-back.

I know you aren't dev, but how the heck can such a dramatic usability change be made without fully accomodating previous capability?

One seriously has to question the process for QA, customer input, and feedback given this issue has been listed as a "suggestion" for many years, yet is ignored with only vague "we hear you, but do nothing" responses?

Would it help the collective "you", if all of us customers were to telephone, fax, FedEx, or otherwise elevate our concerns by contacting the Office of the CEO / President?

I only ask because with other companies, this has made a difference when the executive suite, which is often oblivious, becomes aware of the real-world issues and then miraculously liberates engineering talent, and more importantly budget, to accelerate addressing the issue.

IMHO, top-down always works faster than bottom-up?




Explorer ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Dear mods, community experts and volunteers,


Please forgive me if my comments on the type size and ui related topics were rude, It's just that I wasn't aware that community experts were volunteers. Not being able to see the UI has put an additional layer of stress on my mind, and at the time I thought it was a good idea to get additional attention on the topic by doing that, I now believe it was unkind and was a mistake.


Back to the topic,

Magnifier tools can bu useful but each additional click and key combo extends the process of comfortably using the software. This is a bit more hard to use during drag and drop operations and when I need to look at more than 2-3 things at the screen. For example to check the relationship between them, such as keyframes, speed ramps and timecodes at the same time.


I would have been just happy if the native display scaling in OS preferences reflected well to the PP UI, but the context menus and other UI elements are designed in such a way that they become unusable when enlarged.


The simplest problem that comes to my mind when using native OS display scaling is that, right click menu in project browser and timeline flows outside the screen boundaries. In recent versions thankfully there are these tiny arrows to cycle between the options that are left outside the display area, but for example, in order to navigate to Reveal File in Explorer option I need to click so many times to that tiny arrow, it takes a long time and my fingers become hurt even though im using a vertical mice. On other software and in the os dropdown menus, when this happens, they cascade to the sides so there are two continuous columns of options which are easier to mavigate.


For other UI elements that become unsuable, such as the preview windows and buttons such as export or others, I'm not able to comment much at the moment.


I'm at the end of my limit, mentally and emotionally, because work has been tough as it is already. Having to use a software which is lacking in UI scalibility has become the final straw at the moment.


Believe me, I have jokingly considered manual labour jobs for a time to just get over this burn out and wait out the unusability of the PP at the moment. I wish I could use other NLEs but project constraints and previous dependencies have tied my hands.


If there is any way to reach higher management please let me know.


I'm ready to kneel and beg for this UI update.





Engaged ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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"Please forgive me if my comments on the type size and ui related topics were rude, It's just that I wasn't aware that community experts were volunteers. Not being able to see the UI has put an additional layer of stress on my mind, and at the time I thought it was a good idea to get additional attention on the topic by doing that, I now believe it was unkind and was a mistake."


I applaud the Adobe volunteers! They are not what's wrong with Adobe. Unfortunately, the tacit message from Adobe to its volunteers and to all the concerned users here is--nothing. 


"You're not new here, but maybe you weren't aware that the Adobe Premiere Pro developer team does not respond to every bug, feature request, or how-to question that enters these forums."


Thank you for your reply. You are correct, I am not new here; I've been using Adobe products for over 30 years. Also, what is not new here are concerns regarding Adobe's continued reliance on an archaic, and now ageist, interface.


As a board member of a large artists guild, I talk to a lot of younger artists and none of them use Adobe products. In fact, with all alternatives now available, it doesn't even appear to even occur to them to use Adobe. Adobe's user base is aging. I would humbly submit that Adobe's user interface problem is not simply a "bug" nor "feature request;" it threatens the longevity of Adobe itself. For the first time in my professional life I'm now seriously entertaining alternatives to Adobe products. Thank you for your time.





Explorer ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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For now, I have at least found an option in the *cencored* so that Premiere Pro does not scale up with my OS. Thankfully I will at least be able to use my other apps properly without them getting also down-scaled  to a tiny size with the display scaling option in Windows (I'm on a 16" laptop with a 1080p display and I am using 125% resizing which works pretty well for me.)




Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Cizkek ... as far as "this has been asked for, for many years" .... perhaps getting some perspective would be useful.


It is one of several hundred things users ask for all the time. So prioritization of what is the highest user-base interest will occur. Some other things get added by dint of decision that yea, this just needs to happen.


But the priorities thing is what we're dealing with for this and other things. It's not being ignored, it's just that other customer-interest things seem to have higher 'numbers' on their metrics.


I wish it were otherwise, but then, I want a lot of things that I know are way low for other users. Sigh.




Explorer ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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@R Neil Haugen @@

Please. If that is your opinion, I'm sorry but its the same as saying;

"We don't need wheel chair access, braille and handle bars near stairs. It's just not the priority, society has other things that are more alluring to accomplish right now. That's just the way things are.

If you have the time, please have a look at the following links. If you have any contacts at Adobe, please remind them. Thank you.





"Accessibility at Adobe

We believe that when people feel respected and included, they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. Accessibility is essential to delivering on that mission. With more than one billion people with disabilities in the world, we are committed to removing barriers to enable transformative change."


"Inclusive design is part of Adobe’s mission. Designers, engineers, and product builders are invested in learning how to think more broadly, seeking out more voices, and working together to make better experiences."


"Whenever possible, provide options for people to adjust font size, color themes, and contrast, either manually, in-app, or through operating system preferences."




Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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I'm trying to understand what your post was about, referencing me? Totally puzzled.


I've been requesting this change for years. Period.


I explained why perhaps it's taking so long, and somehow that offended you? 


It's very, very clear from the posts I've posted that I've been pushing for this for a long, long time. I don't get your post at all. Explanations aren't defending something, just ... explanation.




Adobe Employee ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Hello @SpivR,

I believe you are aiming some of these questions at me, a mod and member of the support team. I'm afraid it's out of my purview to make specific comments about the developer team. I'm only the messenger, so to speak. I hope I can help guide you.


this "ask" been going on for years and years.


Yes, I have been fielding requests for that feature for some time, as well. The issue started spiking in the era of 4K computer screens and larger 4K format video. When I started at Adobe here over a decade ago, HD was rocket science!


Several versions ago, an upgrade was made to increase the font size in the project panel UI to address what the team could do. I think the team did their best at the time.


I assume something like Spectrum was needed in order to fulfill the request since users found their 4K monitors to be oversized, making icons and UI elements smaller.



Please PUT THIS BACK until you are able on your dev timeline, to replace it with something better. That would be a reasonable compromise of listening to your customers as this is obviously a very big pain point.


Unfortunately, stuff doesn't get put back. I've never seen that, anyway. If this hack is mission-critical for you, you might want to roll back a version until the team can address this issue properly. Make sure you upvote the feature request.



how the heck can such a dramatic usability change be made without fully accomodating previous capability?


Adobe probably does not measure the usage of undeveloped features in engineering tools. They do see all the upvotes though, both here and back on User Voice. Those upvotes indicate to me that an underlying code change likely needed to happen to "give the people what they want!"



One seriously has to question the process for QA, customer input, and feedback given this issue has been listed as a "suggestion" for many years, yet is ignored with only vague "we hear you, but do nothing" responses?


I am relatively certain you can bank on the new Spectrum UI as a sign that Adobe is listening and is taking action on getting users like you the features they want. I apologize for asking for patience on this. Trust me, the product team knows this is a top issue.



Would it help the collective "you", if all of us customers were to telephone, fax, FedEx, or otherwise elevate our concerns by contacting the Office of the CEO / President?


No. That would be ineffective, time-consuming, and soul-draining. Simply upvote. If you already have done so, you can call, fax, email, FedEx, and contact all your friends' bosses and have them upvote, as well. Anyone can upvote, you know.



I only ask because with other companies, this has made a difference when the executive suite, which is often oblivious, becomes aware of the real-world issues and then miraculously liberates engineering talent, and more importantly budget, to accelerate addressing the issue.


I gave my opinion, so it's up to you. I would discourage you from doing so, though. Help is on the way, it's just going to take some time. You may want to roll back to the previous version until the team can take action. Now that Spectrum is here, we all can have hope that the UI will be customizable, even for those who want huge text in Comic Sans in flaming hot magenta or highlighter green. That should bring a smile to a good number of faces.


I hope my post sheds some light. Sorry again for the frustration.


Cheers, and happy editing!

Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




Adobe Employee ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Hello @cizkek_,

Thanks for the reply.



what is not new here are concerns regarding Adobe's continued reliance on an archaic, and now ageist, interface.


Sorry about that. I think we are cooking with gas now that Spectrum is here. You may want to roll back a version while we await an update from the product team. I hope it won't be too long for the community to wait.



As a board member of a large artists guild, I talk to a lot of younger artists and none of them use Adobe products. In fact, with all alternatives now available, it doesn't even appear to even occur to them to use Adobe. Adobe's user base is aging. I would humbly submit that Adobe's user interface problem is not simply a "bug" nor "feature request;" it threatens the longevity of Adobe itself. For the first time in my professional life I'm now seriously entertaining alternatives to Adobe products. Thank you for your time.


Thanks for the comment. I'm just a support person trying to help people with problems. I'm not really a decision-maker. If you are speaking with younger artists, that's great! I was an instructor at a pro trade school for around a decade before Adobe. I would encourage young people to be aware of all content creation tools used in the industry. We're veering way off-topic, though. If you like we can talk more about the future of youth and companies like Adobe in the Video Lounge forum. As for yourself and your career goals, I wish you luck. I hope you stick around, though. We need people like you here. Peace, my friend.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




Enthusiast ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Why on earth would Adobe launch this new "feature" without the singular function your users have been begging for years and years? How about you wait to launch this half-baked Spectrum UI until you have successfully incorporated font size adjustments for our aging eyes? Why break the one hack we had to increase the UI font, bolting right out of the gate, without giving us any alternatives at first launch? Frankly this is wavering somewhere between lazy, disrespectful and cruel.




Contributor ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Can't the new generative Ai be commanded to magically make the font bigger? People act like it is better than sliced bread even if the resolution is capped too low.  Just joking and letting out some stressed eye frustration. Hope they fix this soon.




Participant ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Totally agree.

The only thing worse than Adobe not fixing the font problem, is actually removing the workaround and putting an inferior temporary scaffold in its place with no user-facing benefit.

I guess nobody is paying attention to Sonos and how they have lost millions of dollars and had to delay two major new product launches because they "upgraded" their flagship app by dropping features and making existing functionality buggy and unreliable all in the name of "progress".




Participant ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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Let's sum this up quickly. Many people use 4K displays. Font scaling has been a critical UI feature used for refining our workstations. The latest 2025 release of both PPro and AE has removed this option for reasons unknown. It was a bad decision.


The simple solution, I'm hoping we see a hot fix for asap, is to bring back the option to adjust the font size.


I shouldn't have to be requesting this. The option to do this shouldn't have been removed in the first place.




Participant ,
Oct 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2024

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"Help is on the way, it's just going to take some time"


Some scope to comments like this would add credibility instead of incredulity.

Are you talking weeks, months, years, or decades?

(Obviously, a roadmap with actual dates is something that only corporate or major Hollywood studios can probably extract in NDA briefings by waving their wallets and screaming at VP or SVP of sales, but at least some realistic estimate - say less then 6 months or longer than a year, might be a lot more believable than the continued "trust us, we know you want it and we are working on something".)




Engaged ,
Oct 23, 2024 Oct 23, 2024

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"Help is on the way, it's just going to take some time"


While that may be sincere, based upon past experience it has no basis in reality, unless of course it's referring to a geologic timescale. We all know that for now and for the years to come Adobe will be busy putting out fires caused by its headlong rush into the latest new features. 




New Here ,
Oct 23, 2024 Oct 23, 2024

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Adding a BIG enthusiastic thumbs up for needing this. Thank you. It makes a difference. 



