I think it'd be a good Idea to be able to grab the pickwhip and drag it onto the composition window onto an layer there. If I have a giant project with lots of layers it takes a while to pick whip it to the layer I want.
Because sometimes I'll have hundreds of layers. I'm just saying it'd be a good idea to have the ability to pick whip directly on the asset you see on your composition window. Say you are working quickly in a project, don't have time to lable layers, have heaps of layers, Need to parent to layer 1 to layer lets say 110. you would have to know either the layer number or name (e.g. adobe stock_89345889349), or pickwhip all the way up which takes like 15 seconds. or with this new way, see the asset you want to pick whip onto in the composition window in like 1 second. I work in broad cast where we have extremely tight turn arounds where every second counts.
The problem that I assume you would have with this is that it is often very hard to click directly on layers in the Comp window since they overlap. You ever noticed how hard it can be to select the specific layer you want in the Comp window because it gets block by layers above?
I think it would also be helpful if we had a modifier key allowing us to pick Child Layers inside the Composition window itself without going to the Timeline at all.
@thepixelsmith I get your point, That is one thing i make sure to do is if its a pre comp use the region of intrest to only select what I need the trim comp to region of interest.
a possible solution: in this scenario you have a image overlay as your top layer and you want to parent below it. when you grab the pick whip and drag it onto the comp window. a little dialogue box shows in real time what you are hovering over. and when you press up or down on the keyboard your can cycle through overlapping layers. or when you release the dialouge box show the multiple overlapping layer names and you can just select it there.
That's interesting, I never though to use the Region of Interest like that.
So if you dragged the pickwhip to the comp panel to the item you wanted it would pop up amenu the way the Select option does on the right click menu? That sounds pretty cool.