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Wondering if anyone else has had the same issue. Im trying to move a project from my MacBook to my iMac using the method of Project Manager; Collect files and copy to new location.
But every time I try this I get a error message saying "an unknown error occurred during the project manager operation. Please save your project and retry the operation". I tried that and still no luck.
Anyone able to shed light on the situation would be great. Or is there another way to move the project easily?
Many thanks
I believe I have the answer for you.
I had the same error. Tried the same steps as you did, even tried a different desktop and different locations to Project manage to and didnt work I then found that if I unticked the box (Include preview files) then the project manage worked without the unknown error at the end. Hope this helps.
Had the same issue and found a workaround. Made a new project an imported the main sequence from the original project in the new one. Used the project Manager on the new one and it worked.
I had the same error today (July 24, 2019) on the latest CC update of Premiere Pro. I tried unchecking "include preview files." That didn't work. Then I went back and tried unchecking "Export Media Files to Match Clip Names." That didn't work.
Then I tried unchecking "Exclude Unused Clips." That worked. I was finally able to export the project.
When i faced this issue in 99% cases it was solved by unchecking "Include Audio Conform Files"
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This is still an issue for me. I'm running PP2020 and used to be able to project manage just fine. But I tried to project manage a recent project and kept on getting this error. I've tried literally everything--I've duplicated the project file, I've created a new project file and imported the sequence I'm trying to manage, I've unchecked all the boxes suggested, I've tried saving it to a different HDD. Literally the same error every single time.
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This is ridiculous. I am having the same problem, and from looking at this thread, the problem has been around for 2 years. That's the problem with having a monopoly.
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I'm having the same problem and none of the suggestions in this thread are helping me.
Also, this thread is labelled "Solved".
It's not.
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Hi Kristian,
I'm having the same problem and none of the suggestions in this thread are helping me.
Also, this thread is labelled "Solved".
It's not.
It was marked as correct by the OP. It may not be the solution to your specific issue. Sorry. You can try several of the potential fixes on this post, though. Hope you were able to solve it.
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I resolved this issue by creating a new project and copying just the relevant sequence into an empty project, then running Project Manager out of that project instead.
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but I don't even get that to select? I have no audio files on my sequence
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It's sad that this STILL does not work with BRAW
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Hi Riotear,
Sorry about that.
It's sad that this STILL does not work with BRAW
BRAW is not a supported format, currently, so make sure you keep your third party BRAW plug-in current and updated.
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I just had this same issue in Feb 2021, after trying several things, I figured out the issue. Amongst all .mov and .mp4 clips there was a clip with .avi format which was causing this. After deleting that clip i was able to sucessfully project manage it. If you can't delete it, change the format to mp4/mov. Hope this helps.
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Nope!! It didn't worked!! Thank you anyway. If you found aot another solution might be okay if you share it with us. Best.
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Hello John,
What did not work ? What did you test ? Are you running "Collect & Copy" from the project Manager ? Did you try to untick "include preview files" and "include audio conform files" ?
Nicolas from Autokroma
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what worked for me was removing special characters...even the .MOV that exisits on the files you are converting. I had to hunt and peck for the solution for days. None of the other stuff I tried from this list worked for me.
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I unchecked "Include Audio Conformed files and "Include Preview Files" and it worked. I tried Unchecking one or the other and neither worked but once I unchecked both, my project was saved 🙂
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Copying the sequence to a new project + saving that project to the same folder as the media worked for me!
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Looking at this in the future (2021), lol! All of the suggestions work pretty well; no special characters, excluding audio conform, etc. But another problem I noticed is that Blackmagic's BRAW files seem to cause this problem as well. I tried over and over and it would fail every time. So my work around was to just grab all the BRAW files and transfer them to the folder and manually project manage from there (and by manual, I mean do everything by hand and ignore PPro). Made life easier, and more complicated at the same time, haha!
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Ya I'm still having this issue with my previous projects. It seems like it's footage from a Canon C300mkii that's causing the issue (which is unfortunately used in most of my projects). I haven't had the chance to try it out with the footage from my BMPCC 6K yet, but sounds like that's also a problem (great).
I even called Adobe support multiple times, and no one could figure out the issue. They kept having to escalate it, saying they're bringing it to a manager and that the manager would call me back and never did.
All of the suggested workarounds in this thread also didn't work for me so I'm stuck having to manually export each individual clip if I want to archive the project which.... who has time for that???
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For the BRAW files errors in the Project Manager, it comes from the Blackmagic RAW Plugin, it's a known bug of it ...
We didn't find any native workaround for this. The only options you have are from third party plugins. You can use "BRAW Studio" (which is a BRAW Importer with more features and less bugs than the free BMD plugin), it works with the Project Manager. You can also use the plugin panel "PlumePack", maybe it's the best option here : it is a Project Manager alternative, which can trim your files losslessly without re-encoding : you keep the exact same quality, metadata, and codec (so your BRAW files stay as BRAW files for example), and gives you full detailled report of what it can do and it did after consolidation. It works with BRAW but also R3D, ProRes, H264, H265, Image Sequence, Cineform, DNxHD, ... If you are interested you will find more information on the Autokroma website.
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Copy all sequence in Pr, and paste to new project. I have try, it's work!
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According to my experimentation the Project Manager does not respond will if files have been "hidden" anywhere. Once I globally applied "View Hidden" the process began.
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YES FINALLY! Right this is what worked for me, I tried everything above and it didnt work.
So open up a new premier pro , import the footage in BUT make sure you choose the sequences to import instead of importing EVERYTHING. Something in that whole project was stopping it working even though I didn't want it to be in there. So would of been a random file or something in the backorund
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Yeah, cool, but still doesn't work with braw footage.
No amount of effing around does (meaning - wasting your time inventing workarounds for something that should simply work AND you're paying for).
Adobe is silent, as usual :)))
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Hello !
I don't have free solution to propose here, but working solutions though from non-free plugins !
You can use BRAW Studio to make the Project Manager work (for Collect & Copy only though .. it doesn't work with transcode options).
You can also use PlumePack ! It's a project manager plugin, but instead of transcoding your clips, it trims the media (it removes unused frames without re-encoding : it keeps the same codec, metadata, frame quality !).
Both plugins can be found (with more infos) on our Autokroma website.
About the BRAW problem in the native Project Manager, the culprit is shared. The BMD plugin devs didn't really look into finding a solution about the Project Manager error, and the Adobe documentation about this is not clear at all.
Nicolas from Autokroma
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Cool that at least there is SOME solutions...
But what's has it to do with the BMD plugin devs? I mean for a Project Manager's Collect & Copy it should be a task of COPYING FILES (or a folder of files – an image sequence in this case) and THAT IS IT. A terminal "cp" operation based on file/frame names. Nothing more, nothing less...
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Yeah but sometimes (often !) there are edge cases, so they added some flags indicating that the flag can be copied, and those flags need to be set by the importer plugin (so that's the point of the BMD plugin devs) but they are not well documented in the Adobe SDK.
The weird things is it should not be handled like this by the Project Manager (not ending with a "unknown error"), it should just not copy those files at least ..