Sorry the items obj = mytext should not be commented out. Here's a image, its a catalogus which i have setup using linked Excell sheets with ranges so it keeps updating. Before i started and i knew this would be a issues. I asked the person to make a list of items which are gonna be in there, wishiing him not to change it and be sure of that. Well ofcourse stuff changes now .... duh!!! He has been deleting items and shuffling them. But the items are setup using bleed left and right. I tried looking into using data merge, but i preferred this workflow. Yet now i need to change quite a lot. So i guess data merge would have been better duhhh 2 I hacked together some script, after much looking around as usual, which adjust that main bar in blue and light grey. These have been setup so the size is automated. Perhaps i should have set the scaling point to the center and not TL. Now i need to move all the stuff. Im going to add the bleed for the bars in master page and manually or perhaps by other script adjust the frame with images.... dont know yet. is this more clear? PS one 'small' other question. I tried looking at the LayoutAdjust.jsx script. This could have helped me major, why is that when i changed everything inside there to millimeters. It keeps using points as measurement. All my settings are in millimeters. Its so weird, there are these input fields and there are set to mm. When i catch the output its in points, no where in this document or in my prefs does it says points??? i hate //AdjustLayout.jsx //An InDesign JavaScript /* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "AdjustLayout.jsx" 3.0.0 15 December 2009 */ //Moves the content of even/odd pages by specified amounts; attempts to get //objects back into the correct position after a master page margin change //and/or page insertion. // // //For more on InDesign/InCopy scripting see the documentation included in the Scripting SDK //available at //Or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at // /*Unit list 0 : point 1 : pica 2 : inch 3 : mm 4 : cm 5 : H/Q 6 : px */ var units = 'millimeters'; // 0-inches, 1-milllimeters, 2-points //app.preferences.setIntegerPreference("rulerType", units) app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits[units]; app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits= MeasurementUnits[units]; main(); function main(){ //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on. app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll; if(app.documents.length != 0){ if(app.activeDocument.pageItems.length != 0){ myDisplayDialog(); } else{ alert("Document contains no page items."); } } else{ alert("Please open a document and try again."); } } function myDisplayDialog(){ var myLabelWidth = 70; var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Adjust Layout"}); var myPageNames = myGetPageNames(); with(myDialog.dialogColumns.add()){ with(borderPanels.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Start Page:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ var myStartPageDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myPageNames, selectedIndex:0}); } } with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"End Page:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ var myEndPageDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myPageNames, selectedIndex:myPageNames.length-1}); } } } } with(borderPanels.add()){ with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Even Pages", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Horizontal:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Vertical:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:""}); var myEvenXField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:-3, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.millimeters}); var myEvenYField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:0, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.millimeters}); } } } with(borderPanels.add()){ with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Odd Pages", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Horizontal:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Vertical:", minWidth:myLabelWidth}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:""}); var myOddXField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:3, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.millimeters}); var myOddYField = measurementEditboxes.add({editValue:0, editUnits:MeasurementUnits.millimeters}); } } } } var myResult =; if(myResult == true){ var myStartPageName = myPageNames[myStartPageDropdown.selectedIndex]; var myEndPageName = myPageNames[myEndPageDropdown.selectedIndex]; if(myCheckPageRange(myStartPageName, myEndPageName) == true){ alert(myEvenXField.editValue) var myEvenX = myEvenXField.editValue; var myEvenY = myEvenYField.editValue; var myOddX = myOddXField.editValue; var myOddY = myOddYField.editValue; myDialog.destroy(); myAdjustPages(myEvenX, myEvenY, myOddX, myOddY, myStartPageName, myEndPageName); } else{ myDialog.destroy(); alert("Invalid page range."); } } else{ myDialog.destroy(); } } function myAdjustPages(myEvenX, myEvenY, myOddX, myOddY, myStartPageName, myEndPageName){ var myPage, myPageAdjust; // Set the transform content property to true so that content will move with frames. //myOldTransformContent = app.transformPreferences.transformContent; //app.transformPreferences.transformContent = true; // var myOldXUnits = app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits; // var myOldYUnits = app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits; // //Set the measurement units to points. // app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters; // app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters; //Save the old page numbering var myOldPageNumbering = app.generalPreferences.pageNumbering; app.generalPreferences.pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section; var myStartPage = app.activeDocument.pages.item(myStartPageName); var myEndPage = app.activeDocument.pages.item(myEndPageName); //Set page numbering to absolute app.generalPreferences.pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.absolute; //Does the document start with an even page? if(myCheckPageStart(app.activeDocument) == false){ myPageAdjust = 1; } else{ myPageAdjust = 0; } for(var myCounter = (myStartPage.documentOffset-1); myCounter < myEndPage.documentOffset; myCounter++){ myPage = app.activeDocument.pages.item(myCounter); var myPageValue = myPage.documentOffset; myPageValue = myPageValue + myPageAdjust; if(myPageValue % 2 == 0){ //Page is an even page. myAdjustPage(myPage, myEvenX, myEvenY); } else{ //Page is an odd page. myAdjustPage(myPage, myOddX, myOddY); } } //Reset the transform content and measurement units to their original values. // app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = myOldXUnits; // app.activeDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = myOldYUnits; //app.transformPreferences.transformContent = myOldTransformContent; app.generalPreferences.pageNumbering = myOldPageNumbering; } function myAdjustPage(myPage, myX, myY){ var myPageItem; var myResetItemLock = false; var myResetLayerLock = false; for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myPage.pageItems.length; myCounter ++){ myPageItem = myPage.pageItems.item(myCounter); if(myPageItem.locked == true){ myPageItem.locked = false; myResetItemLock = true; } if(myPageItem.itemLayer.locked == true){ myPageItem.itemLayer.locked = false; myResetLayerLock = true; } myPageItem.move(undefined, [myX, myY]); if(myResetItemLock == true){ myPageItem.locked = true; } if(myResetLayerLock == true){ myPageItem.itemLayer.locked = true; } } } function myGetPageNames(){ var myPageNames = new Array; for(myCounter = 0; myCounter < app.activeDocument.pages.length; myCounter ++){ myPageNames.push(app.activeDocument.pages.item(myCounter).name); } return myPageNames; } function myCheckPageStart(myDocument){ var mySection = myDocument.sections.item(0); if(mySection.continueNumbering == true){ //Starting page number is defined by other documents in the book return true; } if(mySection.pageNumberStart % 2 == 0){ //Starting page number is an even page. return false; } else{ //Starting page number is an odd page. return true; } } function myCheckPageRange(myStartPageName, myEndPageName){ var myStartIndex = app.activeDocument.pages.item(myStartPageName).documentOffset; var myEndIndex = app.activeDocument.pages.item(myEndPageName).documentOffset; if(myStartIndex <= myEndIndex){ return true; } else{ return false; } } I hate javascript!
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