War Unicorn
Community Expert
War Unicorn
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Oct 14, 2015
07:25 AM
‎Oct 14, 2015
07:25 AM
estherb77376956 wrote:
I guess maybe for the professional. But at one point I did own 5.0. I'm just a home user who wants to make a book. Oy Vey. Okay off to my next project...
Enthusiast chiming in here. You never owned any software; you just had a copy and a license to use that software. (This is the same deal with any physical copy of software. You just get to use it until it doesn't work anymore.) I wasn't a big fan of the sub model until it had a pretty good price point. The CC Photography Plan was that price point. I do feel for those who want to use other apps like Illustrator, though (which has no plan like the CC Photography Plan) but since Thomas Knoll didn't create that app...well...maybe Adobe will feel charitable enough in the future. Lord knows Adobe made a megaton of money with the CC Photo Plan alone. Still, $50/month for the whole kit and kaboodle might be worth it for those that like to work with media across-the-board, plus even if you're an enthusiast/hobbyist, you gain a skill set you can use in the professional arena. People pay way more than that a month just to watch reality shows on cable (which, IMHO, is ridiculous, but to each his own).
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‎Oct 12, 2015
08:15 AM
1 Upvote
Diz7 wrote:
Have you installed the firmware patch from Fuji re: Win10?
Announcement of support for Microsoft Windows 10 (Digital camera) | Fujifilm Global Oh, not yet. I have the X-S1, which won't be updated until December. I had that page bookmarked until then, though.
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‎Oct 11, 2015
07:09 PM
FlyingScot wrote:
If this was an issue with camera firmware it would not work with any applications using El Capitan. It happens that at least my camera (Nikon D700) works with all importing apps with the exception of Adobe Bridge. It works fine under Lightroom, Image Capture, Photo, Windows under Parallels, etc... It is also surprising that Adobe does not claim this yet as an issue in the Bridge support page (Adobe Support) and has been in denial mode. I first reported the issue to them and have issue claim numbers on Oct 2. Both CS agents were trying to convince me that it was the camera, or the cable or missing drivers (from Nikon) and after remote connecting to my Mac accepted that it was an issue with Bridge. The solution offered did not work. The last issue (0187093251) was closed even after two email communications requesting to keep the issue open. To me this is an indication that Bridge has a very low level of importance on the overall product support priority and likely we will be waiting for a solution for some time until the fix gets bundled with a bunch of other "enhancement features". Very disappointing.
Recent blog post concerning the future of Bridge. (Hint: It isn't going anywhere, nor is it of low importance.)
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‎Oct 11, 2015
06:55 PM
Daniel Storch wrote:
???? What has this got to do with this forum ? Problem here is that Capitan has been beta for long time now, and still at launch a major bug in Adobe software is still present. Currently no solution date presented. Firmware for cameras are rather irrelevant in this case, or...?
Because: a) I can't download images from my Fujifilm X-S1 in Windows 10. (Whether it be Bridge or simply using Explorer.) I thought the comparisons were similar. (OS + camera = no joy downloading) Yes, the circumstances are different but the results are the same. I will have to wait until December for my solution vs. you, which will probably be smooth sailing before then. b) See above mentioning Bridge. c) Again, technology. No way, no how are we going to get smooth sailing in every release right away. (As we Windows 10 users found out and you El Capitan users found out.)
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‎Oct 11, 2015
07:23 AM
kadofr wrote:
it is amazing that you know exactly what everything does not work, the question is how long do you know this and why you did not react in the test phase?
Technology happens. At least you don't have to wait until December to get a firmware update for your camera so you can download images directly.
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‎Sep 26, 2015
01:35 PM
See, this is why I subscribed. If I ever need that support whenever I upgrade to a new camera, it's there, basically for a pittance.*** (Just to be clear, for brand-spanking new cameras, the support usually isn't there initially but it does get in there eventually.) I've always hated being behind the curve to begin with. Not to sound like a jerk, but things cost money. Everything from development to marketing. One can't expect to coast on the freebies forever without some sacrifice on one's part down the road. One can use the DNG Converter if one doesn't want to cough up the cash, for example, but don't expect convenience. At least Adobe gives the option. ***All hail Thomas Knoll!
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‎Aug 03, 2015
05:08 PM
Soundgarden wrote:
CC 2014 wasn't too bad in performance compared to CS6 - but ironically enough, each ver since CC 2014 has gotten slower in performance. Reminds me of Apple's software (ie: iTunes).... every new ver of iTunes would get slower and slower and slower and slower and slower, etc.. Apple said they were "adding new features." Turned out that Apple was adding features that allowed them to make more money by offering more types of products to sell thru iTunes - their greed continues to kill the performance of iTunes. Profit before product. It's industry wide with software... roll it out before it's ready so we can sell more features, nevermind it's buggy at every click. But then again, I'm probably "holding it wrong."
Pretty soon Adobe products could turn into the same software model as most smartphone apps...
Give the software away for free, but sell "coins" that allow the users to purchase upgrades and performance enhancements. So instead of $600 a year from each user, we'll siphon $1,000 a year by making them continue to buy in-app upgrades. ha.
An app like Photoshop is not Candy Crush. I don't mean to sound terse but, please. They make a killing as is with the PS Photog Plan (which is about $120 USD/year).
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 14, 2015
05:55 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 14, 2015
05:55 AM
1 Upvote
jørnm65 wrote:
Thanks Chris! solved my problem. But what does it mean to uncheck "use graphic processor". Does it interfere anything else in Bridge or PS CC?
As far as I know, that particular option in ACR only affects cosmetic performance in ACR (such as scrubby zoom). I think it helps with acceleration of other tools too but don't quote me.
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‎Jul 13, 2015
03:52 PM
allisonkae wrote:
In response to the last paragraph, what kinds of things would I have to Uninstall or exit out of? How many programs do I have to delete before I can use photoshop?
Also, is there any chance this problem may stem from the program's constant communication with a cloud?
Thank you for offering a solution that I can work with, and not just telling me what's wrong. I really appreciate it.
Anything that resides in memory that's non-essential to the task at hand. (Apps that run in the background can be exited in the SysTray in the lower right, usually by right-clicking its icon. e.g., Adobe's own CC Desktop App allows this.) I never let apps run at startup if I can help it. I know what I want, when I want it. You can usually let antivirus and antimalware apps run, but note they, too, can slow down your system due to real-time scanning going on (if it's enabled). These can usually be suspended or paused (usually by right-clicking its icon in the SysTray) while you do something more intensive. The CC App consumes little memory, plus it's needed to sync and check your license at least once a month plus use resources like TypeKit.
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‎Jul 13, 2015
11:58 AM
RAM, RAM and RAM would be the best thing to boost the performance of Photoshop/Illustrator. (The same rings true for any application, not just Adobe's oeuvre.) As it stands, on my Windows 8.1 Update machine, I only have a few minor things running in the background and the SysTray. (Only 4 icons active in the SysTray alone.) I have a total of 12 GB of RAM to play with. Photoshop CC 2015, when first opened but with no documents active, takes up about 380 MB of memory. Opening a multi-layer, 16-bit, 3000 x 3000 pixel, 300 DPI document boosts Photoshop use to about 910 MB. I imagine opening and closing documents would continue RAM usage to climb until it reaches the amount specified in Edit > Preferences > Performance > Memory Usage, where it would then auto-flush to make room for current documents. (Maybe Chris can clarify this as I'm no propeller-head on the matter either.) My advice would be to take a long, hard look at what's going on behind the scenes on your system(s). On Windows 8, Ctrl + Shift + Esc will tell you what's going on usage-wise. (I believe the same applies for Windows 7 but don't quote me.) Uninstall or just exit anything that's not essential. Windows Key + Pause/Break will tell you the basics of your system (like processor and installed memory).
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‎Jul 06, 2015
01:44 PM
So... Edit > Purge > All doesn't work? (Alternatively, hold down Alt (Option on Mac) > click Help > About Photoshop)
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‎Jul 06, 2015
12:40 PM
If using PS CC 2015, there's a new command: Edit > Purge > All
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‎May 09, 2015
06:33 PM
Something has to be up with your system. I use an Nvidia GTX 650 (2 GB VRAM) with all GPU features enabled and don't have those problems with zooming, panning, etc. Have you tried reseating the video card itself? (Similarly, check your monitor cable connections. Try different ones, if possible.)
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‎Apr 10, 2015
01:29 PM
I would expect APNG would have to become a standard first and be supported by all the major browsers.
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‎Mar 17, 2015
07:21 PM
Oh, you're very welcome, oh erudite one.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 17, 2015
07:03 PM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 17, 2015
07:03 PM
1 Upvote
Oh, very coy. You must be a hoot at parties. I get to use the latest and greatest version of Photoshop, all for a monthly low price (annually, if I so choose). TEH HORRORZ!!!!111!eleventey! Next thing you know, they'll want my soul! (I wish we had a tinfoil hat icon.) You are the one who used my MVP badge, points and username as a bridge to insult me, as if my opinion on the matter didn't matter in what amounted to calling me an uneducated rube. So now I'm calling you out on it. Sorry if I fire back but that's just how I roll. Deal. /shrug
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 17, 2015
12:13 PM
‎Mar 17, 2015
12:13 PM
station_two wrote:
I have not needed a single one of the new "features" (I call them useless bloat)in Photoshop ever since buying a perpetual version of CS6 years ago for not much more than about $110 practically 3 years ago ($219.80 including tax and shipping for both CS5 and CS6.
How is paying a $120 a year tribute to Adobe "a steal"? Oh, yes of course, Adobe would have been stealing from me all this time and would continue to do so forever and ever, per secula seculorum, ad infinitum!
I find it alternatingly amusing and ludicrous that an Adobe, barely-1,033-useless-points "MVP" (Most Vexatious Peddler?) with a handle like Warunicorn is trying to to convince me that being systematically ripped off by Adobe is a good thing.
"A steal" indeed it is! …but it's not a good thing.
Really? Really? That's all ya got? lol My goodness, it's like you're ignoring all the QoL improvements (and some creative). But just for reference's sake, here's a handy-dandy list just for version 2014‌ for users reading this to check out. (There's a link for the first release at the top.) Users can then decide for themselves if it's all "useless bloat." Your opinion doesn't make it fact. It's a subscription. You're supposed to be paying per secula seculorum, ad infinitum, until you cancel, Adobe folds or the world actually ends (whichever comes first). And, finally: Ya close with an insult. That's just bad form, mensch. I've only been here about three or four years now. I've managed to accrue a little under half of your points in that time. I like to think I'm helping people and they give me some credit in return (and Adobe recognizes me for that effort with the MVP badge). Sooo...you might want to stop with the ad hominem attacks. It's quite rude and a just a tiny bit snobbish as I've seen you do it before to others. I'm not saying you don't help, station, but you might wanna work on that attitude of yours.
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‎Mar 16, 2015
07:13 PM
General consensus is that's a pretty good 2-in-1. I think the only real negative I've heard is battery life. (Around 8 hours? Can't remember.)
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‎Mar 16, 2015
06:58 PM
People need to get over this idea that they own the software. Whether it's subscription or "perpetual" (as in, "until it doesn't work anymore due to OS upgrades"), you are paying for a license to use the software and that's it. This has been the standard license model for every vendor since time immemorial. It doesn't need to be said that paying $120 USD per year for full-on Photoshop (that's the entire kit and kaboodle, 3D included that used to be in the Extended version) is an outright steal (at least for photographers and creatives; I can't speak for those that need, say, Illustrator). We can thank Thomas Knoll for all that. He actually pulled strings at Adobe to get the sub cost lowered for Photoshop because he thought it was a bit much (and that's mostly true for those of us who are enthusiasts). So Adobe cut a deal where they'd have a special limited-time offer. It became permanent when it was clear that it made them a ton of money. For the price you pay per year, you'd have to pay for at least eight years just to equal what you would pay outright for CS6 Extended. By then, Photoshop CC would already be light years ahead of it. (Not just in terms of new features; also performance.) As an aside, other vendors are getting into the subscription model. Autodesk is doing it with their SketchBook Pro app. They still have a perpetual license, but the writing's on the wall there; you don't get the "new features" support that the sub license has other than technical support. (It sounds a lot like how CS6 is working right now. It gets no new features that CC gets but it's still being supported in the technical field.) Microsoft is doing the same thing for Office. I could probably wax poetic about the other image editors but I don't want to make this post too long. (e.g., Somebody tell Corel they can try to be Adobe but they're not Adobe where Photoshop's concerned. Learn to make a UI that doesn't make me want to punch a baby in the face.)
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‎Mar 11, 2015
12:55 PM
1 Upvote
Not sure about CS6, but I know CC has square brushes by default under the set of presets. See grab with the options bar below: I don't think hardness can be adjusted either so be aware of that.
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‎Feb 23, 2015
02:45 PM
Awesome. It can be finicky if you don't go slow enough. I should have noted in my screenshot that where the "grip" of the Options bar and the bottom of the menu bar intersect is where my mouse cursor was as that's how the blue indicator lights up to indicate docking.
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‎Feb 23, 2015
02:30 PM
Odd. It works for me: Is there some kind of video driver weirdness going on, maybe?
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Feb 23, 2015
02:13 PM
‎Feb 23, 2015
02:13 PM
? Can you take the Options panel by the left-most "grip" and slowly drag it to the bottom-most border of the menu bar? It should turn blue to indicate docking. Release and it should dock.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jan 17, 2015
02:03 PM
‎Jan 17, 2015
02:03 PM
Canvas size refers to the overall "pixel playground" in the document. It encompasses all the layers in your document but does *not* change any aspect of those layers (like dimensions). Image size refers to the overall image size of the document, including the canvas and layers. Changing it changes everything about the document dimensionally. If you need more room for your document but don't want to change your layers you'd go for Canvas Size. (Even better, use the Crop tool and move the handles beyond the boundaries and confirm.) If you want to change the dimensions of the entire document, you'd go for Image Size. If you need to change a particular layer, you'd use any of the Edit > Transform commands or Edit > Free Transform.
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‎Nov 08, 2014
07:46 PM
You're either doing something wrong or something went kablooey with your Photoshop installation. Can you even select something on an open document?
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‎Nov 08, 2014
07:29 PM
How about the menu commands? Do those work? (Select > All for selecting entire contents of a layer. Edit > Copy to copy; Edit > Paste to paste.)
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‎Oct 29, 2014
10:59 AM
JNK-Art wrote:
I agree. I Fault Adobe and MS. Adobe wants you to pay a monthly fee for CC, so don't count on them updating their "not so old software" anytime soon. MS ... are just idiots. Always on the verge of greatness and they do something to mess it up. They are clueless that the vast majority of Surface Pro 3 users are artists.
However, until it is fixed I do have a work around for everyone. I've only purchased Sketchbook Pro 2015 (v7) and Corel Painter 2015 (both of which work fine with the Surface Pro 3 (SF3). For CS6 or older programs that strictly use the wintab (aka Wacom like devices) do the following....
Directions: 1. You must download the newest N-Trig driver (ntrig.com). There is a Wintab Driver but there is also a that works as well. 2. Install the driver. Photoshop and most other Wintab (or Wacom like use programs such as - Photoshop CS6/CS5, Corel Painter 12, SB Pro 5 or 6 ... and so forth) will now work on the SP3. 3. However .... other programs such as Onenote, Sketchbook Pro 2015 and their like will not work!!! Note: Corel Painter 2015 are the only "smart" Program Creators to have an option in the programs "preferences" to use n-trig or wacom (aka wintab) drivers. This wonderful program can switch back and forth. Such a simple solution ... hint, hint!!! 4. To get sketchbook Pro 2015 and other programs to work again ... uninstall the N-Trig Wintab driver in the Control Panel/Programs. 5. Yes, you must install and un-install the Wintab driver ... Annoying but it works for all your Art Programs and other Pen Pressure programs/apps.
Call MS and ask them to at least create an "on and off switch" for the wintab driver till this gets fixed, (this on off switch should be in the new Surface Pro 3 "Hub" Pen utility program)!!! However, as you can tell from Corel ... software makers can fix this issue as well, hint, hint again Adobe!!!
Until it is fixed: All we can do is call MS and ADOBE (and their greedy like,) tell them to fix their software and don't let up till they do. Secondly, I personally will not buy anything (software or hardware) until this is fixed. Thirdly, I will never "rent" my software Adobe.
Not to be an annoying jerk, but a couple of points: Autodesk are moving towards a subscription model. Yes, you can get SketchBook Pro 7 as a so-called "permanent" license but all you're getting is minor updates. (And upgrade pricing is going bye-bye in February, if I recall.) Something to keep in mind as you may have no choice in the future *but* to subscribe. You really don't own the software even in a permanent/purchased setup anyway. They just give a license to use it regardless of the situation. While we're on the subject, Autodesk released their newer version of SketchBook Pro for mobile without letting users of the previous paid version of SketchBook Pro know what was going on. They just dropped it onto the Google Play and the App Store. Not very polite (or professional), in my opinion, and they ended up with a lot of angry users as a result. Corel...maybe it's just me and how I used to use PaintShop Pro, but I could never wrap my head around that app's interface. It's mostly clunky; it's like they're trying to be Photoshop but can't be Photoshop for obvious reasons. I switched to Photoshop Elements 9 from PaintShop Pro X2. I actually considered PSP again before deciding on Photoshop CC. The kicker was trying to use layer masks in PSP. Just...bleh. Guess I was too used to how Photoshop Elements did it (which is very much like how full-on Photoshop does it, minus the fancy style and adjustment layers...which was also one of the reasons why I upgraded). Calling a company like Adobe "greedy" is a bit unfair (not to mention the wrong way to communicate with a company). For $10 USD/month for the latest versions and any and all new features/updates for Photoshop and Lightroom via the Creative Cloud Photography Plan? I'm pretty sure we're the ones getting away with murder there. Adobe made a ton of cash from the CC Photography Plan, hence why they made it permanent. People found it to be the "sweet spot" for subscribing. They couldn't be more right. By the time a couple years pass by, we're still not approaching what people would pay outright just to use a copy of CS6 *minus* Lightroom. People pay more than that a month just to play a stupid MMORPG. Hell, people pay more for in-app purchases on mobile games. Just my observations.
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‎Oct 27, 2014
12:35 PM
As csuebele mentioned, Auto-align won't work with Smart Objects; you need to rasterize before initiating the command. You used the script which basically does the same thing but with a little less input on your behalf.
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‎Oct 25, 2014
09:13 AM
1 Upvote
You can find your serial under your account page at creative.adobe.com. ("Products" link.) As for Elements 8, that's a bit old so if you're installing on something like Windows 8.1 your mileage may vary.
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‎Oct 24, 2014
11:46 AM
Did you see if N-trig could reproduce the issue on their end? They have CS6 listed as compatible.
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