‎Oct 07, 2024
04:11 PM
1 Upvote
Edit / Keyboard Shortcuts / Window Menu / Load 1st User Workspace. My workaround for the bug was to rename my saved workspace as Essentails (because the bug for me kept resetting to that workspace). Seems to have fixed it for me.
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‎Oct 02, 2024
05:59 AM
Hi, thank you. I would need to make a paragraph style for every new document, this is not a fine idea. Now I discovered the problem, it was the 'translation' of the main menu of the paragraph options, 'Bedienfeldoptionen' was not really logic for me. So I could assign a shortkey directly.
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‎Oct 02, 2024
03:36 AM
Doch, doch, das gibt's. Von meinem deutschen InDesign 2024 Version
Produktbereich: Fenster-Menü
Beispiel mit Arbeitsbereich: Typografie zurücksetzen:
( Der aktuelle Arbeitsbereich ist also Typografie )
Gruss, Uwe Laubender ( Adobe Community Expert )
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‎Oct 07, 2024
04:11 PM
1 Upvote
Edit / Keyboard Shortcuts / Window Menu / Load 1st User Workspace. My workaround for the bug was to rename my saved workspace as Essentails (because the bug for me kept resetting to that workspace). Seems to have fixed it for me.
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‎Sep 11, 2024
11:07 AM
Thank you again, this was a great time saver!
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‎Sep 04, 2024
12:44 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I needed to register to upvote the bug. But after that I discovered that the discussion was closed. But it's NOT TRUE that the bug is resolved in Indesign 19.2 – I use 19.5 and I still have this issue. Since 2021 Adobe knows this bug, but Adobe is extremely slow in solving problems. (the are more faster in rising the subscription fee…) After years in suffering this bug, Adobe slowly resolved it in Photoshop, and lastly in Illustrator – BUT NOT in Indesign, the program I use most. You can image the 'joy' of using Indesign when the mac goes to sleep 5-10 times a day and 5-10 times a day I need to reset workspace to have alle windows and panels on the right place. It's such a sensless work every day. It's over 3 years that I did this reset probably for around 6,000 - 10,000 times!! Wow, what a joy about this timewasting work. Same for the other two products for over 2 years. With every update I hope to get this bug resolved, but Adobe is disappointing me every time. So when will this bug be resolved?? Find enclosed a tipical situation after the awake of the mac, all panels of the second monitor are on the first/main monitor and I need to reset the workspace. I had a long discussion on the same post on Illustrator since april 2021, but as it's resolved there, they do not care about Indesign.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
03:39 AM
Who is "they"?
The InDesign engineers will not read this.
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‎May 27, 2024
07:04 AM
1 Upvote
I am building a car, but I do not claim that it will perfect, it could also drive you out of the street. We do not use Phoshop for joke/fun, but for (faster) image editing. And not for beta testing Adobe Software.
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‎May 27, 2024
07:04 AM
Adobe is still working out the kinks in the new Firefly versions, so it hasn't been released in the non beta Photoshop versions.
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‎Sep 09, 2022
08:56 AM
Bump. The worst part is that somewhere along the way, they made the decision to force these processes to start any time the system reboots. Thus, every time the system reboots, I must force kill all of them. Plus, loading LightRoom doesn't even bring most of them back, so they are clearly totally unnecessary to LightRoom. 6 years, no response. Bad stewards of our systems resources for your own selfish purposes. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. This maybe went into a backlog somewhere, but was chalked up as "Won't Fix" because most people don't know you're doing it. Because only a handful of people have the skills to know/care, you feel justified to treat everyone poorly. Typical.
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‎Aug 19, 2021
04:42 AM
I had this problem with Indesign 2020 and using AVGTuneUp. This cleaning tool removed also useful files. Restoring them from backup resolved my Indesign Startup Alert. I will remove the AVG Tuneup Cleaning Tool to avoid other problems with my Mac.
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‎Mar 06, 2020
08:04 AM
Since Indesign CC 2017 you had more flexible options for the interface. Not only 4 color themes, but you could insert a % of the white/grey. So I used 67%, which was the best for my eyes. That was the reason why I never updated to CC 2018, CC 2019 or CC 2020. So I ask if there is a patch or hack that I could again insert that value in CC 2020. indesign cc 2017 preferences color theme at 67%
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‎Jan 15, 2020
07:50 AM
Had some hope in this suggestion above, but it still didn't work. Granted it's 2020 and I'm running 2015 versions of both Ae and Pr, (lol) but even "updating" doesn't seem to help too many folks! Also still on Win-7 (work PC) soon to be updating to Win-10. Either way this issue has bothered me before and still continues! Funny thing is when I double-click the dynamic file in Pr, it previews the correct version, but that same d-l inside the timeline refuses to update once rendered. That's only way I've avoided the issue, by not rendering (go figure) You can see in my snap attached, the preview shows the correct version but timeline never updates.
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‎Jan 04, 2019
12:55 PM
Hi Robert, Thanks for writing to us. We are reviewing all the feedback specific to UI changes done in CC 2019 and our designers are evaluating addressing some of the issues in the coming updates. We shall keep you posted and will also seek your feedback where needed. Happy New Year!
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‎Feb 17, 2015
12:36 PM
Hi Lieve, thank you for the answer. Yes I know your blog. I just found a very useful hint on it some days ago and I was planning to write you for thanking you for the useful and well written instructions „Custom Short Answer Question“. So I can do it now and here 😉 Thank you This a user forum hosted by Adobe - so I guess, that their logo is not only for beauty but also for usefulness. Using Captivate for business and not for hobby quick solutions are always necessary - even if somenone has to pay for it.
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‎Feb 11, 2015
03:20 PM
Hello, I am making a quiz in Adobe Captivate 8 but without the Captivate quiz templates/option - I use individual question types. At the end I show the quiz result (with my variables) and I'd like to offer the possibility that the user can share his result (number - or better individual result pictures or the result screen) on Facebook and maybe also on other social platforms. Can someone help me - I didn't find any scripts or similar. Thank you Waldemar
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‎Mar 19, 2015
03:23 PM
I need it too! It's very strange that there's no solution
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‎Oct 26, 2014
03:23 PM
Most of the game interactions are interactive, which means they can have a score. Bit the word search is static, no way to attach a score. And even for those games that are interactive, the score is not given based on the result of the game, just on it having been played. On 26 Oct 2014 17:27, "waldemar.kerschbaumer" <forums_noreply@adobe.com>
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‎Oct 26, 2014
09:23 AM
Hello, i'd like to make a quiz game with 10 questions. It's a project for young people, so it would be nice if the result page (or better a result image + percentage text) could be shared on social platforms like facebook. How can I make that? Thank you Waldemar
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
‎Jan 02, 2018
10:32 AM
‎Jan 02, 2018
10:32 AM
Captivate is convenient to use for e-Learning projects but it's not the only tool available to us. As Full Creative Cloud Plan members, we have access to all the products we need to create rich multi-media and e-Learning content providing we have the coding skills and know-how for it.
If Adobe wants to keep Captivate (formerly called e-Learning Suite) as a separate product offering, that's their prerogative. There may well be contractual / legal reasons for this that we as product users know nothing about. In short, it's not our decision to make.
Finally, I think this thread from 2012 has run its course. I am locking it from further posts. If someone has compelling reasons for unlocking it, please private message me.
Happy 2018!
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